Saltfork Craftsmen
Artist-Blacksmith Association
Oklahoma Affiliate of ABANA
♦ July Newsletter
♦ July B&W Newsletter

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Saltfork Craftmen
Do-it-Yourself Projects

Basic Swage Block Stand

Text and Sketches By:
Jim (Paw-Paw) Wilson &
Jim Carothers (
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]

How to Make a Touch Mark

From the Lazy-Ass-Forge Sketch Book
By: Diana Davis
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]


From the Lazy-Ass-Forge Sketch Book
By: Diana Davis
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]

A Simple Buffalo Head

[Please, Click on images to enlarge]

Friederick Cross Key Fob

From the Lazy-Ass-Forge Sketch Book
By: Diana Davis
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]

Pineapple Twist

From the Lazy-Ass-Forge Sketch Book
By: Diana Davis
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]

How To Make a Mule Head

By: Bill Davis
[Please, Click on images to enlarge]


Support *Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America
The Artists-Blacksmith's Association of North America was established in 1973 and since its inception has played a major role in the recognition and resurgence of Artist-Blacksmiths in North America.

This site was last updated: 2024-6-29

2016 to date, Saltfork Craftsmen Artist-Blacksmith Association

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