Saltfork Craftsmen
Artist-Blacksmith Association
Oklahoma Affiliate of ABANA
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Don Bellah Memorial Scholarship

The Saltfork Scholarships/Grants Program and Application Form: (Word version, PDF version, Online version)

Since its founding in March of 1995, the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA has been committed to high quality educational opportunities for our members and our region. The purpose of the Don Bellah Memorial/Saltfork Craftsmen ABA Scholarship/Grants Program is to provide Club Members with financial assistance toward that end.

  1. The Scholarship/Grants Program will provide funding each year to aid in increasing skills and abilities through participation in schools, conferences, or special classes. The total amount of funding and the distribution limit per person/application will be set annually at the First Board/Trustees Meeting. Unused monies will be rolled over for use the following year. Scholarship Grants will be funded at 50% of eligible costs not to exceed $1000.00 per Member for the 2013/2014 year.
Because the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA desires to promote and sustain an interest in blacksmithing and other crafts, funding is available to interested blacksmiths, blacksmith educators, other craftsmen, and other craft educators at all skill levels - novice to journeyman.

Requirements for Selection of Scholarship/Grant Funding:
  1. The applicant must be an active member of the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA for at least one year 12 consecutive calendar months. The applicant must have attended at least 4 general or area Saltfork meetings in the past 12 months.

  2. The applied for conference, school, or class must be deemed to also be of benefit to other members of the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA by the Board of Directors.; The school, class, or conference is not limited to just blacksmithing.

  3. Applications will be reviewed by the Board as they are received, sent to any board member.

  4. Should there be more applications than there is money available in the Scholarship/Grant fund, applicants will be selected by drawing of names and the funds divided by the Board of Directors.

  5. Recipients of previous Scholarship or Grant awards are not eligible to submit another application for two years after the completion of the conference, school, or class and fulfillment of the Applicants Responsibilities listed below.
Applicant’s Responsibilities for Selection of Funding:
  • As a condition of receiving Saltfork Craftsmen ABA Scholarship / Grant funding, all recipients are required to share the results of their learning with other Saltfork members.

  • The recipient is further encouraged to share this learning with other ABANA Chapters and / or ABANA proper.

  • The recipient will fulfill this responsibility by at least two of the following forms of presentation:

    1. A public demonstration, lecture, or organized workshop at a General Meeting of the Saltfork Craftsmen ABA covering what was learned in the class or conference.

    2. The submission of an article for the Saltfork Newsletter and / or ABANA or other artist-blacksmith association newsletter or related publication.

    3. Making and donating an item for the Annual Conference "iron in the hat" or other Saltfork Auction. The item should be from the class or conference. Money received from this item, if auctioned, will be added to the Scholarship/Grant Program account.
The fulfillment of the Applicant's Responsibilities, as listed above, must be completed within 12 calendar months after the course of study is completed.

The Saltfork Craftsmen ABA Board of Directors will have the final say as to whether the requirements are deemed as being met.

The Saltfork Scholarships/Grants Program and Application Form: (The Saltfork Scholarships/Grants Program and Application Form: (Word version, PDF version

Scholarship rules updated 2013

Support *Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America
The Artists-Blacksmith's Association of North America was established in 1973 and since its inception has played a major role in the recognition and resurgence of Artist-Blacksmiths in North America.

This site was last updated: 2024-6-29

2016 to date, Saltfork Craftsmen Artist-Blacksmith Association

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